Neurofeedback Training Improve the Clinical Outcome

The following case histories may have useful implications for neurofeedback because they imply possible clinical effectiveness with immune disorders, anorexia, and obsessive, compulsive disorders. In addition the neurofeedback timing strategies used suggest that the length, frequency and total number of sessions may be as important in achieving best neurotherapy results as titration is in the administration of medications.

A Dangerous Obsession

He had reached an advanced stage of anorexia. As a 54 year old construction worker, he was normally 6′ and a well muscled 155 lbs. At the beginning of therapy he was 118 lbs., eyes sunken, somewhat manic, claiming his diet of mostly lettuce was making him high and filling him with energy. He was almost completely isolated as his behavior had destroyed his marriage and alienated him from his friends. He had not worked for five years at his trade as he was on disability. He was almost broke even though he earned between sixty and one hundred thousand per year when he was working. He was obsessed with a well known cult which had counseled him to distance himself from his family, and against seeking therapeutic help. He had invested over $200,000.00, virtually his life savings, in the cults system of “therapy and enlightenment.”

He discussed the possibility of suicide on several occasions in the beginning and was experiencing many stress related disorders including sleeplessness, irritability, hyperactivity, intense loneliness, and much obsessive/compulsive symptomology including going over and over often unimportant details. He fluctuated between overtly aggressive, hyper behavior as he tried to convert people to his ideas, and passively aggressive behavior when individuals attempted to establish relationship with him. A strong concern at the beginning of therapy was that irreversible organ damage might have already occurred because of his complexion, gaunt, haunted appearance and the obviously massive loss of muscle tissue, even though he continued to exercise vigorously (as is the case with many anorexics). Biofeedback therapy was for him a desperate last resort.

Within three weeks of beginning neurofeedback training (adjunctive to counseling) his demeanor had changed remarkably, he had begun to gain weight and he entered enthusiastically into the life rebuilding process. He began sleeping better, felt much calmer and more optimistic, less lonely and isolated. He began to form new relationships and he was opening up and talking to people in ways that were impossible before. He wanted to report on his “Love Stories”. An interesting example follows: He would go to playgrounds and sit and watch children play. This made him feel so happy at times that he would weep. This appears to be healthy abreactive phenomena happening hours or days after actual neurofeedback training. People he met or had known before seemed to be easier to be with. He saw that he had changed and was giving others the chance to be affectionate and not blocking them with his rigidity, restlessness and passive aggression. He began to eat a more balanced diet and gained weight reaching 150 lbs. within the first year.

More Info Click Here : Neurofeedback Technician Training

How neurofeedback equipment works

Neurofeedback, a form of biofeedback, in its current form, it is a cutting-edge technology that allows people to train their brains for improved mental performance and well-being. At the heart of neurofeedback lies sophisticated equipment designed to monitor and regulate brain activity. Here’s a closer look at how this innovative technology works.

Neurofeedback equipment usually consists of sensors, amplifiers, and a computer interface. The process begins with the placement of sensors on the scalp, which detect electrical signals produced by the brain. These signals, known as electroencephalography (EEG), represent the brain’s activity in real-time.

Once the sensors are in place, the EEG signals are transmitted to the amplifier, where they are amplified and filtered to separate various brainwave frequencies. These frequencies, categorized into different bands such as alpha, beta, theta, and delta, are associated with various mental states and functions like excitement, focus, and relaxation.

The filtered signals are then fed into the computer interface, where advanced software analyzes the data and provides feedback to the user in real-time. This feedback often takes the form of audio or visual cues, such as tones or images, which indicate the current state of brain activity.

During a neurofeedback session, individuals are guided to regulate their brainwave patterns consciously. For example, if the goal is to improve focus and attention, the trainee might be instructed to increase the amplitude of beta waves while decreasing theta waves. As the individual successfully modulates their brain activity according to the feedback, they receive positive reinforcement, reinforcing the desired patterns.

More info :  Neurofeedback Equipment


NEUROFEEDBACK AND STATE REGULATION IN ADHD: A THERAPY WITHOUT MEDICATION: Werner Van den Bergh, M.D., Translator: Stephanie Clark. The original Dutch manuscript receives an English translation and is updated with recent neurofeedback and ADHD research. Dr. Van den Bergh, a Belgium neuro-psychiatrist and neurologist who is a noted expert in the field of neurofeedback and ADHD and operates a private center dedicated to neurodevelopmental disorders, delivers a powerful overview of the current scientific evidence for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as a legitimate and distinct disorder, and brings together seemingly disparate research from diverse medical and psychological disciplines with a strong emphasis on EEG, sleep, and neurofeedback studies.

Dr. Van den Bergh further argues that neurofeedback (also known as “EEG-biofeedback”) should be strongly considered as a front-line treatment of ADHD. In short, this book provides an advanced look at ADHD and its treatment through neurofeedback that is essential reading for psychologists, neurotherapists, psychiatrists, physicians, neurologists, and anyone interested to learn more about this complex disorder and its treatment.”

$ 59.99 

More Info Click here : Neurofeedback Equipment

NEUROFEEDBACK100 | Neurofeedback training New York

Software: NEUROFEEDBACK100: Developed by Biosource Software, this web-based service provides an up-to-date and comprehensive review for the BCIA Certification Exam in Biofeedback. It allows you to take 20-question exams and receive immediate feedback. The question pool exceeds 400 questions and is revised quarterly.

Neurofeedback100 provides an up-to-date and extensive review of the Blueprint for the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA) Exam in Neurofeedback for $125.

The BioSource Advantage
Neurofeedback100 focuses on the topics important for neurofeedback professionals and delivers unmatched value. This testing service was designed by a veteran Biological Psychologist and provides best-of-class assessment using ClassMarker. All BioSource products are continually updated to incorporate new research findings.

Comprehensive Test Bank
BioSource Software has developed a professionally-written question pool that exceeds 40 exams and 500 questions and is based on the current BCIA Blueprint of Knowledge and Core Reading List. These questions are updated every quarter. Please note that this product is a testing service and not a tutorial course.

For successful exam preparation, we recommend that you study the BCIA Core Reading List, enroll in a BCIA-accredited didactic education program, and regularly evaluate your progress by taking our exams.

More Info Click Here :  NEUROFEEDBACK100 | Neurofeedback training New York

Biofeedback & Neurofeedback Training | APA Continuing Education Credit

Continuing education is a vital aspect of professional growth and development, especially for mental health practitioners, educators, and researchers. The American Psychological Association (APA) offers a range of accredited continuing education options to ensure that psychologists stay current with the latest advancements in their field. However, not all education opportunities are created equal. Let us share with you some unique training options for earning APA continuing education credits that go beyond traditional seminars and workshops.

Incorporating these unique training options into your CE strategy allows you to tailor your learning experience to your specific interests and professional goals, all while fulfilling your APA Continuing Education credit requirements.

Remember, the path to lifelong learning and professional development is a dynamic journey, and these unique training options offer exciting avenues to stay at the forefront of psychology.

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Behavioral Medicine Research & Training Foundation

Non-profit Scientific & Educational Organization 91-1948669
operating under Section 501c3 of the US Internal Revenue Code
6576 Blue Mountain Road, Port Angeles, WA 98362

Description of the distance based course:
Ethics for Biofeedback Providers
5 CEUs, Course Fee: $150.

Presented by Richard A. Sherman, PhD

Course Concept and Description: This 5 CE, distance based course is intended for clinicians, educators, and coaches who have incorporated or are interested in incorporating biofeedback (including neurofeedback) intervention and psychophysiological assessment techniques into their practices. It emphasizes issues in ethics and professional conduct which are of special interest to clinicians incorporating biofeedback – many of which are not clearly spelled out in typical codes of ethics and conduct promulgated by clinical organizations. Participants attend three audiovisual lectures (hear the instructor’s voice while watching slides), read text files, and interact with the instructor via e-mail. At the end of the course, participants answer a set of short essay questions covering key concepts in the course. No text is required for this course.

Most participants require about five hours to complete the course including answering the end of course questions and interacting with the instructor. Participants start the course whenever they wish to and proceed through the course at their convenience for up to one year. This course does not replace the standard 45 hour (3 credit) ethics courses usually required for licensure and does not cover all areas of ethics usually covered by such courses.

Five optional lectures are included in the course (introduction to biofeedback and for lectures on what you need to know to do biofeedback). Attending these lectures adds about an extra hour to the course.

Learning objectives: The course objective is to familiarize participants with the key ethical considerations and issues in professional conduct involved in providing biofeedback based interventions and clinical psychophysiological assessments which are frequently not covered adequately in traditional ethics courses. 

More Info : APA Continuing Education Credit

Peripheral Biofeedback BCIA Program | BCIA Certification Biofeedback Seminar

Peripheral Biofeedback is an advanced field within the domain of applied psychophysiology and neurofeedback. It involves the measurement and control of physiological processes to improve overall well-being and mental health. Health Training Seminars, A Division of Biofeedback Resources International offers a specialized program for professionals interested in becoming experts in Peripheral Biofeedback.

By completing the Professional Peripheral Biofeedback BCIA Program, professionals can become experts in this specialized field, offering valuable services to clients while adhering to the highest ethical standards. BCIA certification is a prestigious recognition that enhances career opportunities and contributes to the growth and development of psychophysiology and biofeedback as a whole.

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Biofeedback Training for Psychologists

Psychologists spend a lot of time performing psychological tests and doing talk therapy with their clients.  Many psychologists also have been adding tools and interventions like EMDR and biofeedback to help their clients.  To learn how to use biofeedback, psychologists can get training online.  This can be convenient because it doesn’t involve travel.  On the other hand, it doesn’t allow for the hands-on practice that takes place in an in-person training session.  It can also be beneficial to meet and work with other students during the training.  The networking and teamwork that happens can be invaluable.

Some training also includes APA Continuing Education credit which many psychologists need to maintain their license to practice.  There are many topics that could count towards this credit.  Biofeedback happens to be one of them.  The number of hours required for BCIA (Biofeedback Certification International Alliance) certification is 36 for Neurofeedback (A specialty area of biofeedback or EEG Biofeedback) and 42 hours for Biofeedback, otherwise known as peripheral biofeedback.

psychologists are happy to find out that they can earn so many credits while learning an interesting new skill that they can use in their work.  Biofeedback brings the body into therapy.  It allows the measurement and feedback of signals that change in response to stress or relaxation.  These signals include muscle activity, skin temperature, sweat activity, breathing, and heart rate/heart rate variability.

Neurofeedback brings the brain into therapy.  It allows the measurement of brain activity and feedback of the signals.  These signals are related to different states like excitement, focus, and drowsiness, etc.  With the feedback a client can learn to regulate the activity which can improve symptoms.

I still think that most psychologists have not been trained in biofeedback and are not able to provide it to their patients.  Many people seeking a biofeedback provider have difficulty finding one near them.  There is a need for more psychologists to be trained in biofeedback and neurofeedback.

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EEG Neurofeedback Certification Program | Neurofeedback Seminar

EEG Neurofeedback is a rapidly growing field at the intersection of neuroscience, psychology, and technology. It empowers individuals to regulate their brain activity, offering a promising path for improving mental health and cognitive functioning. The Professional EEG Neurofeedback Certification Program is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to excel in this innovative field.

The Professional EEG Neurofeedback Certification Program offers a profound opportunity to become an expert in a cutting-edge field that has the potential to transform the way we approach mental health and cognitive enhancement. Certification ensures that practitioners uphold the highest standards of competence and ethics, making a positive impact on clients’ lives and advancing the field of EEG neurofeedback.

Participants will learn:

  • Orientation to EEG Biofeedback
  • Basic Neurophysiology and Neuroanatomy
  • Treatment Planning
  • Instrumentation & electronics
  • Research
  • Psychopharmacology Considerations
  • Professional Conduct

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Harnessing the Power of Biofeedback

Understanding Biofeedback:

Before delving into the BCIA Program, let’s grasp the essence of biofeedback. Biofeedback is a process that enables individuals to gain awareness and control over physiological processes within their bodies. Through sensors and monitoring devices, biofeedback measures physiological signals such as heart rate variability, skin conductance, and muscle tension, among others. By providing real-time feedback, individuals can learn to modulate these physiological responses, leading to various therapeutic and performance-enhancing outcomes.

The BCIA Program:

The Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA) is a renowned organization dedicated to promoting the ethical and competent use of biofeedback. The Professional Peripheral Biofeedback BCIA Program is designed to equip healthcare professionals, psychologists, educators, and other practitioners with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively integrate biofeedback into their practices.

Key Components of the BCIA Program:

  1. Comprehensive Curriculum: The BCIA Program offers a comprehensive curriculum covering fundamental principles of biofeedback, psychophysiology, instrumentation, and applications across diverse populations.
  2.  Hands-On Training: Participants engage in hands-on training sessions where they learn to operate biofeedback equipment, interpret physiological data, and tailor interventions to meet individual needs.
  3.  Ethical Guidelines: The program emphasizes ethical standards and guidelines to ensure the responsible and ethical use of biofeedback techniques in practice.
  4. Certification Exam: Upon completion of the program, participants have the opportunity to take the BCIA certification exam to become board-certified in peripheral biofeedback, validating their expertise and commitment to excellence.

Benefits of BCIA Certification:

  1. Enhanced Clinical Skills: BCIA-certified professionals possess advanced clinical skills to address a wide range of physical, emotional, and behavioral conditions using biofeedback techniques.
  2. Increased Credibility: Certification demonstrates proficiency and commitment to professional development, enhancing credibility and trust among clients, colleagues, and employers.
  3. Expanded Career Opportunities: BCIA certification opens doors to new career opportunities in healthcare, education, research, and sports performance, allowing professionals to make a meaningful impact in their respective fields.
  4. Continuing Education: BCIA-certified professionals have access to ongoing continuing education opportunities to stay abreast of the latest advancements in biofeedback research and practice.

More Info : APA Continuing Education Credit